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Organise a Friday: Suggested 23rd February 2024 #8204

Closed KathrynBaker closed 7 months ago

KathrynBaker commented 8 months ago

As someone developing IBEX I'd like to have a day to work on some of the items that are not a priority but are potentially useful or interesting, as such putting a day aside to start/continue such work is helpful, this is always called a "Friday" even if it happens on a different day.

Acceptance Criteria

LowriJenkins commented 8 months ago

Transfer points to friday ticket once created

danielmaclaren commented 7 months ago

Meeting invitiation sent out for 23rd February

danielmaclaren commented 7 months ago

As has been said on a previous Friday post "The purpose of this day is to pick up things that would not likely get prioritised, fun stuff for a Friday usually" so I've selected a few interesting tickets from the board below:

Proof of Concept: IOC in docker containers OPIs: Identify locations for new help icons Tabulate ioc test failures #6739 System Tests: Automate manual system tests using Squish

Please feel free to browse the 'Friday Label' on the Project Board as there are plenty more to pick from!

rerpha commented 7 months ago

davidkeymer commented 7 months ago

'Friday' did happen and several tickets were completed. Not all of the team were able to participate due to other commitments and support duties.