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Move LabVIEW VIs used in IBEX to Git #8237

Closed KathrynBaker closed 4 months ago

KathrynBaker commented 4 months ago

As someone supporting IBEX I would like the VIs I use to be available in Git as a submodule of IBEX rather than deal with them separately so that I can follow a single path for them

Acceptance Criteria

Extra Information

To test

KathrynBaker commented 4 months ago has been created

KathrynBaker commented 4 months ago

2023 was taking a while to install, so have saved as 2021, which will be the version on the instruments. Rather than have a folder with the full dependencies in each, the folder structure has been recreated with only those items that are needed copied over.

8238 was created to alter the VIs in a suitable manner

8239 was created to fulfil the third acceptance criteria

8240 was created for the creation of the AG53220A

8241 was created for the creation of the STPS350