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IBEX device generator: Make it lightweight and working #8366

Closed zsoltkebel closed 2 weeks ago

zsoltkebel commented 1 month ago

As a developer I would like the device generator script to be reliable and lightwieght.

The aim of this work is to implement the simple concept of device generation with reliable branch switching and committing. The script should not try to solve dirty git repo states.


For reviewer

zsoltkebel commented 3 weeks ago

The new Device generator:

There is no need to merge this as this is a new repository.


Test by trying to create a new device with the script. __Make sure the three repos EPICS, ibex_gui, and EPICS/ioc/master are on latest master and submodules are updated beforehand.__

Only PR in release notes:

rerpha commented 3 weeks ago

reviewer should probs archive (the old one)

LowriJenkins commented 2 weeks ago

One minor change suggestion, but otherwise looks good on the code front, I've used the device generator (stress tested it under weird circumstances even) for the DDS Stress-rig, so I'm happy to say this is working.

LowriJenkins commented 2 weeks ago The old device generator had a wiki page detailing how it worked (as well as linking to the readme for instructions) we should either update this with explanations of the new device generator, or delete it.

zsoltkebel commented 2 weeks ago

Default device count inconsistency addressed here: Made it a class variable and reference elsewhere.

I will add some more in the README about how the templating works but I hope the code and comments are clear enough anyways.

zsoltkebel commented 2 weeks ago

Added contributing guidelines here: These include development workflow and making a new release.