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Rework ticket template with improved guidelines #8441

Closed LowriJenkins closed 1 week ago

LowriJenkins commented 1 month ago

As a developer I would like the ticket templates to be more useful/accurate.

Currently the ticlet templates are not nessecarily clear as to what to put in each section, especially for new starters. The Ticket Templates should have increased guidance on how to fill out each section, amongst other things this should have a section instructing the reviewer how to approach the ticket.

Acceptance Criteria

What is the acceptance criteria?

Extra Information

Why it is needed? Discussed at retro:

How to Test

_verbose instructions for reviewer to test changes Check new templates over for acceptence criteria and improved clarity.

Time in planning meeting (18/07/24)


LowriJenkins commented 1 month ago

Could also add the link to the git workflows wiki page to the review section, to make it harder to miss updating submodules.

jackbdoughty commented 1 month ago