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config.xml - improve usage so doesn't conflict with st.cmd [TIMEBOX: 4.5 days] #8445

Open FreddieAkeroyd opened 1 month ago

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 month ago

As a developer I would like the information in the iocBoot config.xml to reflect what really happens in the ioc. Currently the information in config.xml is used by the GUI to define macros, it also has entries like hasDefault="YES" and default="0x0" but these are for information only in the GUI and do not influence, or necessarily correctly reflect, what the IOC actually does. We should have a single source of truth consistent between the IOC and GUI

Acceptance Criteria

Extra Information

An initial discussion of approach will be needed. There are various potential options e.g.

(You could also create a new source of truth file and use it to generate config.xml and an IOC loadable file, but as config.xml is in a readily readable format that is not really worth it)

Note that you will not need to edit every IOC to either load default-macros.cmd or run a new command, all iocs already run init.cmd from the iocstartup common directory, so the command can be added to central init.cmd to apply to all IOCs

How to Test

should be a matter of just editing a config.xml for a chosen IOC and then looking at the screen output of the IOC to check macros defined as expected

Time in planning meeting (18/07/24)


rerpha commented 1 month ago

Can we use Lua for this?