ISISNeutronMuon / MDANSE

MDANSE: Molecular Dynamics Analysis for Neutron Scattering Experiments
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PyQt GUI for MDANSE #150

Open MBartkowiakSTFC opened 1 year ago

MBartkowiakSTFC commented 1 year ago

As far as I know, we are planning to replace the current wxWidgets GUI with a Qt-based GUI sooner or later.

If everyone agrees, I could volunteer to write a new GUI using PyQt6. This would be tied to the protos branch.

Please give me some comments about the new GUI:

  1. Do we need it?
  2. Should it be a replica of the existing one, or should it be laid out differently?
  3. Compared to the current GUI, are there any features that we want to drop or add?
  4. Any other comments you find relevant.
RastislavTuranyi commented 1 year ago

Firstly, I wonder if it's a good idea to start working on GUI before the API is finished? (i.e. before either protos is merged or made the official branch) Otherwise I think it's brilliant since it would save us the work of (temporarily) updating to wxPython 4.

In terms of comments, I will leave 1. and 2. to @sanghamitra-mukhopadhyay and @eurydice76 since they have a better idea of where we are heading; I'll just note that (as you know) the plan is to implement the Model-View-Presenter pattern and use it to write GUI tests. In terms of 3., there a couple issues open already: #57, #141, #142, #143, and #149. Lastly, I would like to suggest involving MDANSE users if we are going to be doing any large changes to the GUI.

eurydice76 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Ratislav and @MBartkowiakSTFC , I am happy that what I recommended is finally on the way to be adopted namely the replacement of wxPython by PyQt. This was necessary because wxPython (aka phoenix) is not supported as much as PyQt especially I found some problem installing it via pip. Moreover, we also found a major problem with the vtk/wxPython binding on Windows which triggered a nasty segfault without any trace. Being the author of the wxPython current interface, I am not the right person to give an opinion, I let @gonzalezma and @sanghamitra-mukhopadhyay give their opinion about it.