Group for Ontology Management
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Ontology for ISO 19148 #19

Open jetgeo opened 2 years ago

jetgeo commented 2 years ago

ISO 19148 is one of the ISO/TC 211 models where there has not been derived an ontology from the Harmonized Model, due to some issues with the UML model for the first edition. The standard is essential for infrastructure information, where linear referencing is being widely used. The use of linked data in infrastructure construction and maintenance is increasing. Therefore, a draft ontology representing ISO 19148 was developed as part of the European project INTERLINK. We have referred to that ontology from several other national and European ontologies. Unfortunately, there is now an issue with the server where the draft iso-19148 ontology resides. Therefore, we have used a local copy on (official address It would be very useful with an official ontology for ISO 19148.