ISO/TC211 Harmonized Model Maintenance Group. Repository for information about the harmonized model.
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Cleaning ISO 19159-1 #20

Open jetgeo opened 6 years ago

jetgeo commented 6 years ago

From @jetgeo on November 10, 2016 8:34

The model was not in the HM. Received from editor, need cleaning

[ ] Elements in diagrams [ ] Duplicate element names [ ] Data type connections [ ] Definitions

_Copied from original issue: ISO-TC211/HMMGold#16

jetgeo commented 6 years ago

Notes from @BrodeurJS 2018-03-21:

In deriving the ontologies for ISO19159-1, I found numerous inconsistencies in the harmonized model, such as:

  • All the attribute types were disconnected from their proper types (I fixed almost all of them in the package 19159)
  • Use of the undefined type "Double" in 19159:CA_ElectronicCell.errorDarkSignalNonUniformity for which I create a Double type in the package Orphans
  • Use of the undefined type "double" in 19159:CA_LIDAR.scale
  • Duplicated Class 19159:CA_OpticsSensorRadiometry
  • Duplicated Class 19159:CA_PhotoFlight
  • Duplicated Class 19159:MD_ImageDescription
  • Duplicated Class 19159:ArrayDimension
  • Property 19159:SD_Calibration.calibrationAgency is of the type CI_ResponsibleParty (not properly connected in the harmonized model). However, by checking the publication dates of the standards 19159 should be using ISO 19115-1 and the type CI_Responsibility.
  • Properties 19159:SD_DistortionPolynomial.polynomialDecentering and 19159:SD_DistortionPolynomial.polynomialRadial are of the undefined type "SD_PolynomialFunction"
  • Property 19159:SD_DistorsionTable.distortionValues is of the undefined type"float" (I did not create a "float" type in the package "Orphans" in this case) and curiously the multiplicity is 1 but ordered! Of course only one value is by default ordered!
  • Note that I have also updated numerous multiplicities from 0..n to 0..*

I see that many of these classes, if not all, are replicated in the other packages. It my assessment that the package "ISO 19159-1 Edition 1" needs serious attention and clean up to be used to derive any other resources from it.