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Corregendum 19115-2 number 6 #145

Closed isotc211 closed 1 year ago

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

Justification Date based in Note 2 is inconsistent with ISO 19103:2015 Date The surreptitious change in the ‘cit’ encoding schema for CI_Date_Type affects community interoperability Existing users of ISO 19115-1:2014, including ISO 19115-1:2014/Amd 1:2018, have no knowledge of this change – excepting where they are specifically tracking ISO 19115-2:2019, and even then this change is not identified in Annex C or elsewhere. While users of ‘cit\1.0’ are unaffected they are also unaware Interoperability of data encoded in accordance with ‘cit\2.0’ to systems based on ‘cit/1.0’ will be restricted as the latter namespace allows for more types of date-expressions than the former. Change in Type is backwards compatible as both the old and new types allow for use of gco:DateTime, but that is not a sufficient basis for making surreptitious changes to authoritative XML schemas The change was not consistently applied to CI_Citation Systems that span both imagery and non-imagery uses of metadata will likely need to adopt all of the newly-applicable XML Namespaces so that ‘cit/2.0’ is employed consistently

See attached presentation

Proposal Option #1: Back up and tackle the encoding issue properly Remove the change to CI_Date_Type from the ‘cit/2.0’ XML Namespace Amend ISO/TS 19115-3:2016 as appropriate to include the changed encoding of DateTime (inclusive of xs:dateTime xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear) and then apply it consistently (e.g., in CI_Citation) Update all affected XML namespaces starting with ‘gco’ Option #2: Back up and tackle the “which Date” issue properly Remove the change to CI_Date_Type from the ‘cit/2.0’ XML Namespace Amend ISO 19115-1:2014 (Amd 1:2018) to decouple the specification of the Date type from ISO 19103:2015 and define (e.g.) a Metadata – Commonly Used Classes::Date that correctly reflects Note 2 and an XSD-based encoding that includes xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, and xs:gYear Update all affected XML namespaces starting with ‘gco’

Recommend Option #2

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 WG6, Imagery 2019-06-07 11:30:59 UTC Created ﷒0﷓ Presentation to TC211 WG6 on errors in 19115-2

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2019-07-04 17:44:20 UTC Request 146 has been marked as a duplicate of this request.

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

WG6 Status - Issues in ISO 19115-2019 (1).pptx

wilkesg commented 1 year ago

This through discussions was considered a "date" issue, After consultation in development with the PL for amendment to 19115-2, with the working group, this was determined to not be a part 2 issue, rather a 19115-1 and 19139 related issue. At the 49th Plenary Meeting in Omiya, addressing the date issue, "Not accepted. Raised by XMG: Indicates that using class interface you can do what you like as long as you pass things through properly. The current implementation of allows for the flexibility to pick a date, date time, or date time to the second depending on the implementation. 19115-2 references 8601 and 19103:2015 which allows for full flexibility, including century. The implementation allows for flexibility."