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Transfer of responsibility for GCO and GCX to ISO 19103 #343

Open isotc211 opened 3 years ago

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

Justification: GCO and GCX - Responsibility for the management of XML schemas for the GCO and GCX namespaces will be transferred from ISO 19115 to ISO 19103 Proposal: XML schema documents for Geospatial Common Objects (GCO) will be made available from and XML schema documents for Geospatial Common Extended objects will be made available from at or before 2020-12-20. These will augment those < already | continuing to be> available from and

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

The responsibility for the management of the GCO and GCX namespaces needs to be held in the ISO 19103 context. ISO 19115 can not reasonably be held responsible for their maintenance, and management of those namespaces will not be carried forward into ISO 19115 part 3 edition 2. The existing implementations will remain available from their current locations

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

The responsibility for the management of the GCO and GCX namespaces needs to be held in the ISO 19103 context. ISO 19115 can not reasonably be held responsible for their maintenance, and management of those namespaces will not be carried forward into ISO 19115 part 3 edition 2. The existing implementations will remain available from their current locations