ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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Correct fcc//Abstract_FeatureCatalogue substitutionGroup #345

Closed isotc211 closed 1 year ago

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

Justification: fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue does not instantiate. Error in XSD fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue has substitutionGroup gco:AbstractObject, yet fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue_Type has an extension base of cat:AbstractCT_Catalogue_Type. a) both need to have the same base b) both need to be cat:AbstractCT_Catalogue_Type Proposal: Adjust fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue to have substitutionGroup="cat:AbstractCT_Catalogue"

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

gfc:FC_FeatureCatalogue cannot be derived from mrc:featureCatalogue until substitutionGroup for fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue is corrected. fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue substitutionGroup has been corrected in GitHub TC211/schemas Correction has flowed onto:

Thank you to Australia ICSM Metadata Group for your assistance in identifying the issue.

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

gfc:FC_FeatureCatalogue cannot be derived from mrc:featureCatalogue until substitutionGroup for fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue is corrected. fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue substitutionGroup has been corrected in GitHub TC211/schemas Correction has flowed onto:

Thank you to Australia ICSM Metadata Group for your assistance in identifying the issue.

PeterParslow commented 2 years ago contains ref="fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue" (in the declaration of Abstract_FeatureCatalogue_PropertyType).

It includes fcc.xsd

fcc.xsd includes abstract.xsd & imports includes featureCatalogue.xsd declares element name="FC_FeatureCatalogue" substitutionGroup="fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue"

But I can't see anywhere that fcc:Abstract_FeatureCatalogue is defined; is the "ref=" OK without the target element being defined? Doesn't that make Abstract_FeatureCatalogue_PropertyType unusable? Does that actually no matter i.e. the type is only declared as an artefact of the Schematron processing, and not actually used?

If it's all OK (and verified), should this issue be closed (by XMG)?

ejbleys commented 1 year ago

Abstract_FeatureCatalogue is defined in: