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19115-2 / 19115-3 environmental record elements #382

Open enricoboldrini opened 3 years ago

enricoboldrini commented 3 years ago


it seems that these elements:

  <element name="averageAirTemperature" type="gco:Real_PropertyType"/>
  <element name="maxRelativeHumidity" type="gco:Real_PropertyType"/>
  <element name="maxAltitude" type="gco:Real_PropertyType"/>

in MI_EnvironmentalRecord_Type lack units of measure from their definitions, but their type is gco:Real... maybe it could be useful to:

1) refine the definition or 2) use gco:Measure

Kind regards, Enrico

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

This initially applies to ISO 19115-2, as the XML implementation intentionally matches the "logical model" standard.

Temperature would seem to be a type of Measure that isn't specified in ISO 19103 - so use Measure itself?

Altitude seems to match well to ISO 19103 Distance, for which 19115-2 should specify the 'datum' i.e. the 'distance from what?'.

I don't know enough about "relative humidity" to suggest an appropriate measure type! It seems to be generally expressed as a unit-less percentage, so perhaps Real is correct here.

ejbleys commented 1 year ago

Consider for next review of ISO 19115-2