ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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ISO/TS 19163-2:2020 #383

Open wilkesg opened 3 years ago

wilkesg commented 3 years ago

Issue as forwarded by Standards Australia to Secretariat, shared with PMG, WG6 convenor, posted here for future work.

SA_SNZ_TS_ISO_19163.2 MA.xls Comment #: 6.2-1 Section #: 6.2 Section Heading: XML namespaces Comment Type: Technical Date/Time of Comment: 2021-01-04 10:51:54 AM Author's name: E. Bleys (XMG convenor) Author's comment: Table 1 namespaces gmi, gmd, gme, gss, ger, gts are all superseded, namespace cis is does not exist. Author's proposed change: replace with relevant namespaces from current or emerging implementation 19115/~ <-1 | -2>/ . eco now at 19103/-/gco. cis should be gmlcov.

Shared postion by PMG: Evert’s “single comment” is actually several with different reasons & possible solutions.

“cis” is an OGC namespace and certainly exists there, at the URI given – so I recommend we reject that part of the comment.

The others, which are owned by TC211, are a different issue – which is that we (well, Evert!) are migrating them. In my view, the namespaces in the published standard were correct at the time of publication and are still valid. In fact, I would see them as being valid until the 19115-3 revision project that Evert is managing finishes (i.e. the new edition is published). This is therefore a ‘change request’ that can be scheduled in at some time by WG6. Part of the continuous treadmill of trying to keep standards up to date with each other!

Be careful not to confuse namespace URIs with schema locations – even when the strings are the same. ISO 19163-2 says nothing about where the XSDs for the namespace reside, so it doesn’t matter that they are moving. For example, works, but is not listed at, which instead links to - the “current URI pattern” but not one that is mentioned in a published ISO standard. “Of course”, the locations of schemas are (officially) informative; I hope/assume that the XSD files are the same.

My suggestion: put it in the Standards Tracker & consider in WG6 when to include this change in their forward roadmap – making some assumption about a new edition of ISO 19115-3 being published. Perhaps invite / discuss with Evert before or after.

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

Note: that "Shared position by PMG" was just me, with no consultation with PMG (or anyone). But thanks for including it here!

ejbleys commented 3 years ago

I wish to support this issue. Note: there is a choice to be made: use the existing 19115-3 namespaces or move to the now published 19115-1, 19115-2 , 19103, 19136 namespaces e

JanHjelmager commented 1 year ago

The issue about namespace have also been raised in #478 and lifted out of the 19103 revision project.

wilkesg commented 11 months ago

@ejbleys Hi Evert, I was wondering if you have an updated opinion on this issue.