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19103 Non-compliant UML profile #388

Open heidivanparys opened 3 years ago

heidivanparys commented 3 years ago

The UML profile defined in ISO 19103 is not compliant with the UML profile definition of the Object Management Group.

This is described in @TatjanaKutzner's PhD thesis [1] (see especially section 5.1) and in document N 3795 provided by Denmark [2]. Another PhD thesis [3], by @jetgeo, also discusses the ISO 19103 UML profile, and follows up on the research in [1].

[1] KUTZNER, Tatjana. Geospatial Data Modelling and Model-driven Transformation of Geospatial Data based on UML Profiles [online]. München : Technischen Universität München, 4 November 2016. Available from:

[2] DANISH GEODATA AGENCY. N 3795, UML issues [online]. 28 May 2014. Available from:

[3] JETLUND, Knut. Harmonizing and linking conceptual models of geospatial information: Technologies for information modelling in GIS, ITS and BIM. NTNU, 2021. ISBN 978-82-326-5703-2. ISSN 2703-8084. Available from:

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

Is this similar to (Logged against ISO 19109, by Clemens)

heidivanparys commented 3 years ago

No, it is not similar. #224 is about inheritance, this issue is i.e. about code lists and unions and how they fit in to the UML metamodel. It is also about the difference between keywords and stereotypes.

jetgeo commented 3 years ago

Agree with @heidivanparys. But the issues are related though. Both issues concerns inconsistencies between the ISO/TC 211 UML Profiles and the UML Specification. So #224 should be tagged with the 19103 label and be addressed in the 19103 revision. The requirement is one example of things that should possibly be moved from 19109 to 19103, as it concerns abstract schemas as well as application schemas. .

heidivanparys commented 3 years ago

I haven't studied it into detail, but may be related to this. Added here, so we make sure we address it in some way, if needed.