ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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Proposal to change the reference to temporal coordinates from ISO 19108 to ISO 19111 (see 19123-1 revision WD) #399

Open wilkesg opened 3 years ago

wilkesg commented 3 years ago

See 3.3, Notation "In this document, conceptual schemas are presented in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). ISO 19103 Conceptual schema language presents the specific profile of UML used in this document. Several model elements used in this schema are defined in other International Standards developed by ISO/TC 211. UML classes defined in this document have the two-letter prefix of CV. Table 1 lists the other standards and packages in which UML classes used in this document have been defined." See table 1. "PROCEDURAL Note: There has been a proposal to change the reference to temporal coordinates from ISO 19108 to ISO 19111. This decision is left to the Working Group in consultation with the 19111 Project Leader."

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

Perhaps the Ad hoc group on representing time could consider this, assuming it gets approved? @ronaldtse