ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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AHG3 recommendation re ISO 19109 - various #407

Open PeterParslow opened 3 years ago

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

This standard is also specific to UML, but also includes the General Feature Model (GFM) as one of the metamodels

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

Also asked in AHG3 report:

Is it actually helpful to draw a clear distinction between the "instance" level and the higher levels? Graph data does not require this distinction: for example a "type definition" is just another data instance. However, in practice graph implementations - such as OWL and RDF do distinguish "class"; philosophers have long considered (e.g. from Aristotle on) that this represents a fundamental way that human brains work, and it also gives efficiencies in computer processing. That said, we need to recognise that there are cases where any classification will fail, and 'open world models' handle those cases better.