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Proposed editorial changes in ISO 19168-1 #429

Open MortenBorrebaek opened 2 years ago

MortenBorrebaek commented 2 years ago

In Annex A, subclause A.2.7 “Features {root}/collections/{collectionId}/Items”, our proposal is to use bold in the highlighted words (Abstract test 30):


In Annex A, subclause A.7 “Conformance class OpenAPI 3.0”, our proposal is to replace “Abstract test 41” by “Abstract test 44”, as the previous reference immediately above is “Abstract test 43” and the following reference is “Abstract test 45”: image

PeterParslow commented 2 years ago

For the first part, see the recently agreed guidance on formatting requirements statements, at, which does not cover whether the text should be bold or not - but the example given does use bold.