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ISO 19101-1 “spatial object” in terms and definitions #431

Open heidivanparys opened 2 years ago

heidivanparys commented 2 years ago

Figure 2 in ISO 19101-1, also present at contains the key entity “spatial object”, and the text in 8.1 mentions this term a few times as well. However, “spatial object” is not present in the Terms and definitions clause. “spatial object” should be added to that clause. See also the entry in Geolexica and in ISOs Online Browsing Platform.

PeterParslow commented 2 years ago

There's a wider discussion about which of those "terms" that are defined in the UML also benefit from having a definition in the Terms & Definitions clause. In this case, ISO 19107 seems to have decided it's useful to define this one both ways. I'm not sure that necessarily means it's useful in ISO 19101 - I guess it depends how the term is used in each standard that uses it. Reese could advise, but perhaps if the phrase is used "in the run of text" (especially normative statements) then I guess a "textual definition" is beneficial.

I hope that the project Reese is considering will firm up the position we have stumbled into: where Geolexica is a register of concepts & their associated (language) terms, whilst the UML, XML, etc repositories can provide realisations of the concept in each of those technologies. But that's just my idea: would such a thing be useful?

For this specific issue, I see all three occurrences of the phrase "spatial object" in ISO 19101-1 are in Clause 8.1 in text that is describing a a UML diagram, so I'm not sure there is much benefit in defining the term in words as well.

It's a a curious UML diagram, covering both instance & type in a class diagram, but that's a separate "issue".