ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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General concern from AHG06 eGovernment regarding ISO 19106 Profiles #445

Open JanHjelmager opened 2 years ago

JanHjelmager commented 2 years ago

(Ref PMG meeting 2021-06-10 -Doug) ISO 19106 Profiles was reaffirmed in 2018. This standard has not changed since 2004, but is still valid. It contains no UML and really only conformance classes. It is based on ISO 10000 on Internationally Standardized Profiles. ISO has now created several parts for ISO 10000. ISPs are another product that TC211 could produce. Management of ISO 19106 should be (or has been) moved to another Working Group. e-Government applies the concept of "application profiles". Is this similar to an extended profile in ISO 19106?