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General concern from AHG06 eGovernment regarding ISO 19109 Rules for application schema #450

Open JanHjelmager opened 2 years ago

JanHjelmager commented 2 years ago

Background: From report on non-relational database technology:

Many iso standards are based on fixed schema’s, The 19109 has attribute binding to feature type, is that not too limiting related to non relational technologies? Is a feature always defined as set of properties? Is that flexible enough?

Proposed action from AHG06: This standard is specific to UML. However, the standard also includes the General Feature Model (GFM) as one of the metamodels - separate GFM from the "Rules for Application Schema". There is a need for showing how the GFM can be applicable in OWL, this may involve making some changes to the GFM, or at least to the detailed UML expression of it. This needs further investigation. Essentially, if we want the "top level" GFM to be equally implementable in OWL & UML; if a UML flavour/profile can support lossless creation of OWL, then this could be a way forward.

ISO 19150-2 will have rules for creating OWL/RDF for application schemas.

In general. If the GFM moves to 19103 there is nonot specific need to do anything with 19109