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High-level ontology in ISO 19118 Encoding #453

Open MortenBorrebaek opened 2 years ago

MortenBorrebaek commented 2 years ago

In the AHG on e-Government recommendations were made for the future revision of ISO standards and new standard projects: -ISO/TC 211 should continue to derive RDF/OWL from the harmonised UML models in the ISO/TC 211 standards. Existing activities on revising mapping rules from UML to OWL/RDF will improve the ontology and mapping rules should be an ongoing activity, according to experience from the communities. In addition, ISO/TC 211 should link to existing vocabularies and extend other vocabularies applied in e-Government with our spatial extensions where needed.

-In the revision cycles of ISO/TC 211 standards, focus should be given to investigate if there are other and more generic IT standards which it would be relevant to build geospatial extensions on top of. Of particular focus are standards from ISO/IEC JTC1 and W3C, which are most focused in e-Government communities. This comes as an extension to the cooperative work between ISO/TC 211 and OGC .

For ISO 19118 it was proposed to provide a complete overview of the used encoding in the 19100 series, including ontology.