ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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ISO 19130-3 Issue raised by Standards Australia #456

Open wilkesg opened 2 years ago

wilkesg commented 2 years ago

The following issue was raised for consideration in the next round of revision of part 3.

From Standards Australia "During the Identical adoption of the following Technical Specification the Australian National committee (IT-004) members submitted comments for ISO/TS 19130-3:2022

• SA/SNZ TS ISO 19130.3, Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning, Part 3: Implementation Schema

The National committee agreed on the Identical adoption; therefore, Standards Australia will not be allowed to change the original ISO document, however I would appreciate if you could send these comments to the assigned WG Convener or Project Leader for review and consideration at the next revision." SA_SNZ_TS_ISO_19130.3 Public comment.xls