ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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Relation with ISO/IEC 21838 (top-level ontologies) #460

Open heidivanparys opened 2 years ago

heidivanparys commented 2 years ago

This issue is a result of a discussion in the ISO 19103 revision project (, restricted access). In general, the question was how to align with the ISO/IEC 21838 multipart standard on top-level ontologies. See also

The ISO 19103 project team decided that this was out of scope for the ongoing revision.

TC 211 should discuss whether and how to move forward with this, at some point.

JanHjelmager commented 1 year ago

This comment is a more general comment originating from 19103 revision as stated above. However, the content of the comment could perhaps be related to 19109 as well as the 19150 suite. To be discussed.