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Relation to generic quality standards #466

Open JanHjelmager opened 1 year ago

JanHjelmager commented 1 year ago

Public asdministrations are more familiar with ISO/IEC 25012 and ISO/IEC 25024 on data quality model and measurement of data quality related to systems and sofware quality requirements and evolution than ISO 19157. Another standard here (W3C Best practise) is Data quality vocabulary, which is a framwork in which the quality of a dataset can be described, also using 25012 as examples. Should we make an ISO 19157-1 implementation in DQV? However, ISO 19157 is the only standard that covers geosaptial aspects, like positioning accuracy, so this needs to be added. ISO 19157 covers several of the quality elements described in the referenced standards, and could theoretically be applied directly in eGovernment.

Similar consideration can be taken regarding 19160-3

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

Note: administrations in the UK are more familiar with ISO 8000 Data quality rather than the software oriented ISO/IEC 250xx. At least in as much as ISO 8000 underpins the Data Management Association's approach to data quality. See

It's at least fairly easy to map the ISO 19157 data quality measures to the DAMA/ISO 8000 data quality "dimensions" (see for a starter)

PeterParslow commented 6 months ago

Even better known are the "seven principles" of quality in ISO 9000 (see free

In this case, we could have a simple sentence in the introduction of ISO 19157 something like

"This standard supports ISO 9000 Quality Management Principle QMP6 Evidence based decision making and can contribute to other aspects of an ISO 9000 quality management system such as continuous improvement (QMP5) and relationship management (QMP7)."

Note: ISO 19157-1:2023 includes four terminology references to ISO 9000:2015 and two to ISO 8000-2:2020, but no broader discussion of the relationship.

Perhaps this could all be in a supplementary 'web paper'?