ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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ISO 19115-1 PT_FreeText: discrepancy between UML and XML? #468

Closed heidivanparys closed 1 month ago

heidivanparys commented 1 year ago

Is there a discrepancy between the UML model for PT_FreeText and the XML schema?


<complexType name="PT_FreeText_PropertyType">
      <extension base="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType">
        <sequence minOccurs="0"><!-- minOccurs does not match the multiplicity? -->
          <element ref="lan:PT_FreeText"/>

Should that multiplicity be 0..* in the UML model, in order to have additional localised strings optional, and to make the XML implementation match? Or am I overlooking something?

I created this issue because of (note that INSPIRE uses the older schemas from ISO 19139).

ejbleys commented 1 month ago

The in this context allows users to provide a nilReason rather than actual values. The minOccurs is 1 in the line

ejbleys commented 1 month ago

\<element name="