ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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Register IANA Media Type for ISO 19115-3 content #469

Open PeterParslow opened 1 year ago

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

Suggested at OGC API - Records code sprint in September 2022.

An IANA Media Type (often still called MIME Type) supports content negotiation. An ISO-registered type for ISO 19115-3 content would give an easy content negotiation mechanism for requesting ISO 19115-3 records from an OGC API - Records. Without it, clients can only requested XML (using text/xml) but not what data structure to receive.

A number of existing ISO standards have registered types. Our type would probably be something like


(Of course, the OGC developers could do with other standards like DCAT registering types as well!)

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

Someone present mentioned "registered parameters" which I think relates to the "+xml" part for ISO 19115-3.

If / when we also implement #470, that would then get "+json"