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JSON encoding of at least a subset of ISO 19115 #470

Open PeterParslow opened 1 year ago

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

Suggested at OGC API - Records code sprint in September 2022.

The OGC API - Records developers suggest standardising a JSON encoding of at least a subset of ISO 19115.

Some felt the encoding should cover the whole of ISO 19115, but I pointed out that ISO 19115 does (optionally) import a lot of other ISO/TC 211 standards. One possible subset would be those aspects of ISO 19115 which map well to DCAT (see Another would be the metadata element set being defined by the OGC API - Records development (

Discussion & experimentation at the code sprint suggested that "plain" JSON would be sufficient, although some considered that the presence of some geometry (even if just a bounding box) pointed towards GeoJSON. None felt that the extra capabilities of JSON-FG or JSON LD were necessary.

wilkesg commented 1 year ago

Hi Peter, sharing for awareness, if not already aware. Canada has a JSON encoded version of core ISO 19115. Colleagues at Natural Resources Canada (in the GeoDiscovery group which was previously The Federal Geospatial Platform) along with others have been implementing this in GeoCore available on Git. See If there is interest to learn more we can make put you in touch. Cheers, Graham

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

This was presented by OGC MetaCat DWG at the plenary earlier today - I think the interest is to focus on "discovery" elements. Perhaps NR Canada should get directly involved with OGC MetaCat DWG?

wilkesg commented 1 year ago

Hi Peter. Thanks for sharing. I will let my colleagues know of the activity in MetaCat. Cheers, Graham

PeterParslow commented 1 year ago

Notes from discussion in JAG, 2022-12-06:

ejbleys commented 1 year ago

Just wondering: as the ISO 19115-4 would have JSON schemas for ISO 19115-1/2 should they reside somewhere near the publicly available resources for XML schemas (

ronaldtse commented 1 year ago

I would think that XML schemas and JSON schemas should both be under the schemas site?

wilkesg commented 1 year ago

Agree, think it would make sense to keep them under the same site.