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ISO 19170-1 term correction #473

Open RogerLott opened 1 year ago

RogerLott commented 1 year ago

19170-1 term 3.11 (datum ensemble) is taken from 19111 3.1.16. It contains a typographic error at the end of the example: there is a spurious right bracket, see issue #131, replicated in 19170-1 3.11. This error is to be corrected in 19111 through Amendment 2. The same correction should be made in 19170-1 at any future revision of the document. It is not critical.

Proposal: In 19170-1 3.11, change "... and 0.02 m between G1674 and G1762)" to "... and 0.02 m between G1674 and G1762".