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19111 minor errors #475

Open bluesky61 opened 1 year ago

bluesky61 commented 1 year ago

I recently translated and reviewed 19111 and found a few errors. I'm being cautious since the Amd2 DIS vote is over, but I'm posting them here.

Min, bluesky61

  1. throughout the document

    • Of the six packages included in 19111, the package names with spaces (Common Classes, Coordinate Reference Systems, Coordinate Systems, Coordinate Operations) are inconsistent in the text, sometimes written with spaces, sometimes without spaces. It would be good to harmonize them.
  2. entire table

    • Among the Data Dictionary for Classes, it would be better to describe Union or CodeList in a different format than general classes. This is because Data type, Obligation, Maximum Occurrence, etc. are not meaningful in the case of Union or CodeList.
  3. Definition of Table 3, column 1 :

    • This should read "description of the coordinate set....", not "description of the coordinate tuples in a coordinate set".
  4. bottom of page 21 to top of page 22: Scope, DomainOfVaildity should be changed to 'scope', 'domainOfValidity' according to the camelCase principle.

  5. In Table 12, Association roles, the following two entries in the Association with row are incorrect. They should be corrected.

    • For Coordinate System, CoordinateSystems::GeodeticCS -> CoordinateSystems::VerticalCS
    • For Defining Datum, Datums::GeodeticReferenceFrame -> Datums::VerticalReferenceFrame
    • For Height Transformation, from DerivedCRS -> CoordinateOperations:: Transformation
  6. There are several errors in Table 28 (CoordinateSystems::CoordinateSystem).

    • Generation of: DerivedProjectedCS, EngineeringCS, and GeodeticCS are subclasses, but they are Realization relations.
    • Association target of axis in association roles : SingleCRS -> CoordinateSystemAxis
  7. Table 32 (CoordinateSystems::EllipsoidalCS): According to Figure 12, there is an association role referenceSystem from EllipsoidalCS to GeographicDS, but it is not described in the table.

  8. Table 29, Table 30, Table 34 The number of associations shall be equal the dimension of the coordinate system. -> The number of "axis" associations shall be equal the dimension of the coordinate system.

  9. Table 43, Table 44, Table 45: These classes are all unions and cannot have associative roles, and public properties are not expressed. Need to be rewritten.

  10. table 50, Datum's property publicationDate has data type : CI_Date -> Date

11.In HMMG, the subtypes of Datum, GeodeticReferenceFrame, DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame, VerticalReferenceFrame, EngineeringDatum, and TemporalDatum, each have an associated role referenceFrame pointing to a corresponding CRS. They should be removed or explained in the appropriate table.

  1. HMMG retains CD_Datum from Edition2 in the parent classes of ParametricDatum and TemporalDatum. Needs to be deleted

  2. Table 66. Definition and Association definition : specification of a subset of coordinate tuples... -> specification of a operation....

  3. table 77 association roles for GeneralParameterValue: currently there is only one association role called parameter, but in HMMG UML there is a coordOperation association role for SingleOperation and a group association role for ParameterValueGroup.

  4. association roles in Table 82 (RegisterOperations): HMMG UML has two versions of the association for CI_Citation (19115-1, 19115-1 Edition 1 complete).

  5. C.3.3 at the end : "The AxisUnit class contains four attributes. One of the quantities temporalCount, temporalMeasure or temporalString is used for a temporal CS axis. AxisUnitID is used for non-temporal coordinate system axes." -> Class named AxisUnit does not exist. It seems desirable to delete it.

  6. p.100, 7th line from top: Examples of description of change of coordinate through point motion operations -> Examples of description of change of coordinate epoch in a dynamic CRS (compare with E.6 heading)

  7. p.123 E.3.3 first paragraph: E.1.6 -> E.2.4 (E.1.6 does not exist)

jetgeo commented 11 months ago

11.In HMMG, the subtypes of Datum, GeodeticReferenceFrame, DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame, VerticalReferenceFrame, EngineeringDatum, and TemporalDatum, each have an associated role referenceFrame pointing to a corresponding CRS. They should be removed or explained in the appropriate table. These association ends with role names refrenceSystem are non-navigable associations. The role names and multiplicity are only illustrative. They can be removed without any consequences, but they may also be helpful for the reader.

  1. HMMG retains CD_Datum from Edition2 in the parent classes of ParametricDatum and TemporalDatum. Needs to be deleted Ok, done.

  2. association roles in Table 82 (RegisterOperations): HMMG UML has two versions of the association for CI_Citation (19115-1, 19115-1 Edition 1 complete). Both are needed. The normative link is to 19115-1. For technical purposes, the complete package is used.