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ISO 19101-2 RM-Imagery systematic review and GRSS Data Fusion with AI #477

Open percivall opened 1 year ago

percivall commented 1 year ago

This issue suggests new content for 19101-2. Two emails below are an exchange between Graham Wilkes, Chair of TC211/WG6 Imagery and George Percivall, Vice Chair of IEEE GRSS Standards Committee. This exchange was prompted by a discussion during the May 14th 2023 meeting of WG 6.

The key message is:

Subject: RE: ISO 19101-2 RM-Imagery systematic review and GRSS Data Fusion with AI From: "Wilkes, Graham (he, him | il, lui)" To: George Percivall Date received: May 16, 2023

Hi George, sure, it would be great if you could post there and tag/label the relevant wg and maybe pmg etc, letting the TC/211 know.

From: George Percivall Date: 2023-05-15 9:41 a.m. (GMT-05:00) To: "Wilkes, Graham (he, him | il, lui)" Cc: Siri Jodha Khalsa, Subject: ISO 19101-2 RM-Imagery systematic review and GRSS Data Fusion with AI


During the TC 211 WG6 meeting yesterday, I was asked for my perspective on the systematic review of ISO 19101-2 Reference Model - Imagery. I made two comments but should have added a third. The two comments I made during the meeting remain accurate: 1) A definition of imagery already exists in 19101-2 so the standards tracker comment could be closed, and 2) voicing agreement with Doug O’Brien’s comment that most of the RM-Imagery has a long “shelf-life” and need not be revised.

A third comment occurred to me after the WG meeting: the RM-Imagery should be reviewed considering advances in imagery analysis using artificial intelligence. The data and information clauses of the RM are fairly stable with perhaps revisions to those clauses needed to bring the RM in line with 19100 standards developed after the RM. But the Knowledge and Decision clauses of the RM could be reviewed and revised based on advance in imagery analysis with AI.

The IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Technical Committee is very active in this area identifying effective methods, best practices and emerging standards. The GRSS Standards Committee is working with the GRSS Data Fusion TC to identify elements to be codified in standards. A focus for this coordination will be several sessions at the upcoming IGARSS. Wade’s GRSS liaison report to WG6 identifies theses IGARSS Sessions.

We welcome you and WG6 to consider the GRSS work on data fusion using artificial intelligence in your future considerations.

Regards, George

George Percivall Vice Chair, IEEE GRSS Standards Committee