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Namespace 〈information technology〉 definition #478

Open heidivanparys opened 1 year ago

heidivanparys commented 1 year ago

In the CD for 19103, the following terminological entry was in the standard:

namespace 〈information technology〉 domain in which names, expressed by character strings, can be mapped to objects Note 1 to entry: The names can be subject to local constraints enforced by the namespace.

This entry wasn't present in 19103:2015, but ISO 19103:2015, is mentioned as the source in Geolexica, see

During an EC meeting for 19103, the EC decided that the proposed domain, information technology, was better than the domain indicated on Geolexica, “general”. On a later EC meeting, it was decided to move the name types to the common types in the Harmonized Model. Therefore, the aforementioned section will not be present in the upcoming ISO 19103 edition. Consequently, the issue of the namespace 〈information technology〉 definition is taken out of the ISO 19103 project.

This issue should be assigned to 19173.

JanHjelmager commented 1 year ago

Even though this issue is assigned to 19173, perhaps this is an issue that should be discussed and/or taken into consideration in AG6, AG7 and AG10.

ReesePlews commented 10 months ago

@heidivanparys thank you for writing this up.

presently we have 3 terminological entries for "namespace" and two of them use

1588    namespace <general>     
1589    namespace <RDF>     
838     namespace
                namespace <UML> (from your project)

term-id 838 namespace deals with XML

namespace collection of names, identified by a URI reference, that are used in XML documents as element names and attribute names [SOURCE: W3C XML; ISO/TS 19139:2007(E); ]

we presently have and as defined domains. we suggest that was added to this entry in the future.

i have no problem with the domain you and your team have selected. i think it is more descriptive than .

in the terminology repository, is only used that one time. for the following uses are defined:

abstraction abstraction process inheritance

i believe they are from your project. if you have dropped namespace then the authoritative source will transfer to 19150-2:2015, as no other standards are using that term at this time.

lets keep this open at least until 19103 is published. thank you.