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Dead links (error message: 404) #479

Open JanHjelmager opened 10 months ago

JanHjelmager commented 10 months ago

Some of the links in ISO 19131:2022 Geographic information - Data product specification are not working but returning "404 page not found".

A list of places where the links are not working where provided: • Introduction • Table 2 • Table 4 • Annex D, E and F.

The problem could very well be URIs that should not be URLs that have causes problems in the past.

Possible solution could be a minor update.

ReesePlews commented 10 months ago

hello @JanHjelmager i confirm (using MS-Edge with the published standard that TMG has) that the same action is happening. i guess the question i have is are the links in the standard wrong, or are those folders missing from the server? maybe someone can answer about the server page?


it is interesting too that i cannot jump to any of the other clause/subclause using the xref links in the document, but that could be my browser issue. i believe that each NSB is able to distribute the documents using their own variety of licensing protection. my documents are not viewable in acrobat unless i turn off javascript. the links dont work at all for me in acrobat, only edge was successful to recognize them as active links. that may have something to do with the inactivity of the clause/subclause links.

PeterParslow commented 10 months ago

At least some of these are recurrences of the ISO PDF publishing issue, where namespace URIs are turned into links:

For example, in the introduction, we (the standard) says:

"Other International Standards are also referenced with URIs. URIs to normative statements within this document are a combination of the namespace and the local identifier."

The HTTP URI in their is a link (in my BSI Committee Members Copy), but if I click on it, there is nothing there. The same applies to all the "links" in Tables 2 & 4.

The links in the table in Annex D are a slightly different problem - as they are only example URIs, it is unlikely that they would dereference - again, I don't think they should have been made into links. Here I don't think our audience would be surprised that there is "nothing there".

Note: in my PDF, the internal links to other clauses do work.

See also and The user experience of clicking on these "identifiers that shouldn't be links really" could be improved by providing some "placeholder" content at the end we do control. I think this should be a generic version of what Ron & co did for ISO 19112 - i.e. all attempts to access something in the space should something like "placeholder for content in standard xxxx" - until we perhaps get some agreement with ISO on how to publish bits of ISO documents in a machine readable / web accessible way.