ISO-TC211 / StandardsTracker

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Recommendations of AHG 9 Representing time: avoid using ISO 19108 & (later) revise to be lighter weight #490

Open PeterParslow opened 4 months ago

PeterParslow commented 4 months ago

Recommendations from AHG9 (TC211/N5837):

_- Date and time standards are not the focus of ISO/TC 211. Generally, ISO/TC 211 is a user of date and time standards. The evelopment of date and time standards should be deferred to groups dedicated to it, such as ISO/TC 154/WG 5 “Date and time” and OGC Temporal DWG.

AG3/N288 Minutes of PMG, December 2022:

_The four recommendations can be summarised as:

PMG recommendation, December 2022: PMG "recommend that projects consider whether their requirements for expressing time can be satisfied by directly citing non-TC 211 time standards from ISO, IETF, and W3C."_

Presentation to plenary (TC 211/N 5847)

Suggested resolution: ISO/TC 211 approves the recommendations in the report: to use general standards for time whenever possible and to collaborate with ISO/TC 154/WG 5 and OGC Temporal DWG.

Actual resolution (Resolution 2022-21)

ISO/TC 211 notes the report (N 5837) from Ad-Hoc Group 9 Representing time. ISO/TC 211 resolves to disband Ad Hoc Group 9. ISO/TC 211 expresses its appreciation to Mr. Ronald Tse, for his dedicated work to lead the AHG, and thanks all members of this group.