ISO-TC211 / iso-geodetic-registry

ISO Geodetic Registry backend
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Confirm staging server DB #133

Open phuonghuynh opened 3 years ago

phuonghuynh commented 3 years ago


I got a request from you as bellow, @ronaldtse fwd to me.

The message was "please replace the staging database with the public one from last week as soon as possible. Do not use the public database as it is now. I need the new proposals included as well as the content visible to the public. Is that possible?" It was a forward from Mike

I have updated java code on Staging site to be the same as the one on Production site. Could you confirm what should I do for the database for your request? Do you want to import DB from production site into staging?

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

This is in progress.

maccraymer commented 3 years ago

Just to be clear, I want to reproduce the public instance on the staging instance as it was last week (e.g., Sep 18), complete with the approved content and the proposed content waiting for approval. This is required for some testing of the registry prior to adding a new item proposal on Tuesday Sep 22, which created another HTML error (the proposal was deleted and resubmitted via spreadsheet importing which resolved the problem).

I don't know what. you mean by "updated java code" and how that will affect the staging and public instances. Please elaborate. The staging database should not be updated with the content from the public instance on a regular basis. It only needs to be updated on an as requested basis for testing. And, of course, anything on the staging instance should not affect the public instance.


ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

Thanks @maccraymer for the clarification -- @phuonghuynh is currently trying to rewind the data to the appropriate date.

With regards to the Java code it meant that the staging and public instances have been "synched" in terms of software version used. It is important to have the staging and public instances synced in version if the purpose is to test the production software version (with production data) in the staging environment.

Nothing on the staging instance will affect the public instance.

phuonghuynh commented 3 years ago

@maccraymer @ronaldtse we have a production database backup file on date Sep 21, so I have imported staging database using that backup file.

maccraymer commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ronaldtse for the information about the java code and for making sure the software version is the same for both the public and staging instances. I had actually thought this was being done already whenever updates were made to the public instance but I now see that it was only being done on an as requested basis (see issue #80). In retrospect, I think the staging software should always be updated whenever changes are made to the public software and issue #80 closed with a comment to that effect.

Also, could we identify both the software version along with the database version on the website pages? Presently, only the database version is given at the bottom of each web page (at least I assume that's what the "Last updated" date refers to). This was requested by @ronaldtse in issue #108. Thanks!

maccraymer commented 3 years ago

@phuonghuynh, the Sep 21 version of the production database is perfect. I see it online now. Thanks!