ISO-TC211 / iso-geodetic-registry

ISO Geodetic Registry backend
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500 error in Details action after acceptance of clarification by RM #95

Closed maccraymer closed 4 years ago

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

Sorry for reporting another urgent bug. After the Register Manager accepts a submitted clarification action for an item, the Details action for that item gives a HTTP Status 500 error in either the Submitting Organization, Register Manager or Control Body folders. No one is able to view the item's details once the RM accepts and the CB cannot evaluate the proposal. The Details action works before the RM accepts it.

phuonghuynh commented 4 years ago

@maccraymer @ronaldtse PR sent, #96 , waiting for review

phuonghuynh commented 4 years ago

@maccraymer staging deployed this fix, could you help to confirm?

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

Will do it now. Isn't it 2 am your time?

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

You are getting closer! The Details action after Register Manager acceptance now displays the item information but the links to the information sources (citations) on that page gives empty windows instead of the citation information.

florianesser commented 4 years ago

@maccraymer I couldn't reproduce that locally when doing a clarification on a Geodetic CRS. What item are you clarifying?

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

I was clarifying a vertical datum item (#140). It should be sitting in the Submitting Organization folder for the Control Body as being returned by the CB.

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

I'm working with the staging instance. I just resubmitted the proposal from the CB's Submitting Organization folder and accepted it in the Register Manager's folder. It's now in the CB's folder waiting for a decision. When I select the Details action from any of the folders, all looks okay and I get the item's information page but the information source links give a blank window. At previous steps in the above process, the information source links were correctly displaying the citations. it was only when the RM accepted the proposal did the link become blank. It occurs in both Safari and Chrome. I've left the proposal in the CB folder for you to check. DON'T APPROVE IT - SEND IT BACK TO THE SUBMITTER when done.

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

Same thing happens for a Geodetic CRS (item # 205: IGS08 - LatLonEHt). It's also sitting in the Control Body folder along with the Vertical Datum example (item # 140: Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 2013 (Canadian Gravimetric Geoid of 2013a)).

florianesser commented 4 years ago

I don't think that I have a user in either the staging or the production instance.

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

I'll create one for you.

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

Created a CB user in the staging instance with all roles and Admin privileges. Will email you the login.

florianesser commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @maccraymer , I could reproduce it now and created a PR.

maccraymer commented 4 years ago

Thanks @florianesser! I guess there's no more time left in the contract so I greatly appreciate you following up on this!!