ISS-Mimic / Mimic

We use the actual live data from the International Space Station to control a 3D-printed model that moves the solar arrays and radiators to track the real ISS in real time for STEM outreach purposes! We also host webpages which display ALL of the public ISS telemetry:
MIT License
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Add retention feature to LoFi 4 and 6 trusses for IEA boards #513

Open streadgold opened 8 months ago

streadgold commented 8 months ago

When we were making the LoFi trusses and IEA interface we just kinda glued the boards in place and never finalized the design.

The HiFi design features these chamfers to prevent recession of the PCBs image

SpaceTowel commented 1 week ago

Add the triangles as seem here (HiFi) to the LoFi version, to prevent PCB to go in too far. even better if there is a way to keep the PCB in place, so that it don't pop out without super glue. some folks still use the LoFi version, such as Seattle Flight Museum.