We use the actual live data from the International Space Station to control a 3D-printed model that moves the solar arrays and radiators to track the real ISS in real time for STEM outreach purposes! We also host webpages which display ALL of the public ISS telemetry:
I suggest we change our RasPi BOM to reflect use of the RP400 and an optional larger touchscreen or end-user's existing non-touchscreen monitor, as this has become our standard.
Currently $100 for the RP400 which includes built-in keyboard, mouse, mircoSD, power cable, USB cable, and HDMI (may need HDMI adapter depending on monitor/touchscreen port)
I agree adding it, but do not agree replacing the smaller screen. BOM should reflect both options. Also - should probably not add larger screen until code is fixed.
I suggest we change our RasPi BOM to reflect use of the RP400 and an optional larger touchscreen or end-user's existing non-touchscreen monitor, as this has become our standard.
Currently $100 for the RP400 which includes built-in keyboard, mouse, mircoSD, power cable, USB cable, and HDMI (may need HDMI adapter depending on monitor/touchscreen port) https://www.adafruit.com/product/4796
Existing BOM