Closed avivace closed 2 years ago
I'll just ask for one thing in case Isso comes here before I get home: some time, because I most likely still have yet to update the actual in-game credits
I'll just ask for one thing in case Isso comes here before I get home: some time, because I most likely still have yet to update the actual in-game credits
Thanks @FrostedGeulleisia !
Ping @ISSOtm @FrostedGeulleisia
Sorry I've been somewhat busy with other stuff and I don't know if Isso even looks at this repo anymore
I do, I'm just giving you time to adjust the credits, as you requested.
I'll just ask for one thing in case Isso comes here before I get home: some time, because I most likely still have yet to update the actual in-game credits
Is the credits system flexible enough that putting in a name of a different length (but still conforming to the character limit) won't break formatting? I don't currently have a way of checking that.
Commit the changes you want to see, I'll figure the technical details out, and come back to you privately if need be.
I know the project has been abandoned, but would it be possible to have at least the "most working" / "last built" ROM? @ISSOtm
We need it on Homebrew Hub: