ISUgenomics / SequelTools

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Closed s4251484 closed 4 years ago

s4251484 commented 4 years ago


thanks for developing this tool! i encouter an error as such: line 710: $((${#FILES_FOR_R} - 1)): substring expression < 0

when i run -t Q -u /Users/s4251484/Desktop/sequeltool.txt

Please enlighten!

aseetharam commented 4 years ago

Thanks for trying SequelTools! It looks like the shell you are using doesn't support Command Substitutions. Can you let us know what environment you're using for running SequelTools?

s4251484 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for your prompt reply! I’m running it on local mac terminal env with R Samtools and Python and even the bash files in SequelTools/Script folder in the path.

aseetharam commented 4 years ago

Hi Chian,

Can you try running this in a native Linux environment (non-Mac)? Quick look upon that error tells me that Mac doesn't support something required for SequelTools.

Thank you for reporting this, we will try to fix this by converting the expression to something generic in the next version.


s4251484 commented 4 years ago

Hi Dr Seetharam

Wow! I think you detected the problem. Here are the run results on two of my systems:

PBS cluster (linus) – no R installed

s4251484@fl102:/30days/s4251484/bwa_bcf> STR="Hello World" s4251484@fl102:/30days/s4251484/bwa_bcf> echo ${STR:6:-1} Worl s4251484@fl102:/30days/s4251484/bwa_bcf> echo ${STR:6:$((${#STR} - 6 - 1))} Worl

Local Mac Unix d-i89-241-70:~ s4251484$ STR="Hello World" d-i89-241-70:~ s4251484$ echo ${STR:6:-1} -bash: -1: substring expression < 0 d-i89-241-70:~ s4251484$ echo ${STR:6:$((${#STR} - 6 - 1))} Worl