ISWC-Reproducibility-Track / Paper_609

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Some small improvements #6

Open sven-h opened 3 years ago

sven-h commented 3 years ago

In section 3.1 in the main readme, make links to the files UNIV-BENCH-OWL2EL.owl, etc. or even better generate a zip file with all files included (best as release file in github). And even better include the additional files in the jar file as resources.

In section 3.2 'mvn install' will automatically call 'mvn compile' (thus 'mvn compile' is not necessary).

In file Experiments/ I had to add a -Xmx25G to the java command. Maybe the size should be changed to the expected amount.

If I understand it correctly, then the files are generated first as RDF/XML and is then converted to DL format. Afterwards the file are converted back to RDF/XML. If this is the case, then why not save the converted files in new files to have both variants at the same time. As a result, the convert back script is not necessary.

GunjanSingh1 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your suggestions.