IT-Academy-BCN / ita-landing-backend

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[BE] Multilanguage API Calls explained to Swagger #94

Open CloudSalander opened 8 months ago

CloudSalander commented 8 months ago

Awaiting to know how we are going to treat in terms of front-end the multilanguage support. @vicenlu

CloudSalander commented 7 months ago

Hi, @franenlanube Recommended steps:

1) Fetch Multilanguage Branch. 2) Run it and see Swagger docs to understand how multilanguage works in our API 3) Test multilanguage 4) Watch the FIGMA proposal for multilanguage on backoffice. 5) Once you understand how it works, make a proposal of how we can improve the request and response of Apps and Requests in our API to make easier the job to our frontend partners. 6) Once we accept that proposal, you can implement your solution.

@androsrivas Can help you with that.

Good luck!