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Docker-Compose file to run entire backend for local dev environment #35

Closed LG1401 closed 1 year ago

LG1401 commented 1 year ago


Create a docker compose file which unifies all containers of the backend to make running the local dev env easier. Either write the unified compose file manually or check if some tools/scripts exist to automatically merge docker compose files (preferred). Then a way could be set up how the unified compose file is automatically updated when a compose file of one of the services changes.

Acceptance Critera

ZombieAlienRobot commented 1 year ago

Docker compose already allows to merge multiple compose files via the -f flag. So I just created a script that runs the command with all the current repos. This will need to be updated for every new service. See: and

First the changes to docker compose have to be approved, see the respective pull requests in the service repositories.