IT2810 / it2810-webutvikling-h18-prosjekt-3-45

it2810-webutvikling-h18-prosjekt-3-45 created by GitHub Classroom
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Feat #10 pedometer api #29

Closed Rubenjoh closed 6 years ago

Rubenjoh commented 6 years ago

Fixes #10.

Added the ability to have todos with a set number of steps as a goal. The number of steps is traced by the pedometer in your phone. For debug and development purpose it is possible to turn of the pedometer in config.js. Pedometer todos now is a wrapper for a todo, and is added to redux and options in the creation modal.

torjusti commented 6 years ago

Looks good, would be nice with some tests.

hehug7 commented 6 years ago

There should also be added adequate css. In addition, we should not restrict the users ability to drag unfinished pedometer todos to "done". Instead, we should have some sort of alert/confirm message which asks the user if they are sure.

Rubenjoh commented 6 years ago

Made pedometer-todos swipable and added a warning if you have not reached currect number of steps. Changes stepsGoal-input from text to integer. 💄