ITDP / atlas

The frontend code for the Atlas of Urban Transport
MIT License
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Define modal sizes as % of user screen? Or set a larger maximum size? #103

Open dtreich-itdp opened 2 months ago

dtreich-itdp commented 2 months ago

Would it be possible to define the sizes of pop-up modals as a % of the user's screen size (or of the size of the window being used to view the Atlas) -- possibly up to a maximum that's a little larger than the current maximum?

Currently, when I view the Atlas in a very large window (such as on a large monitor), the various modals take up a very small portion of the screen. This can make it difficult to view the data in the 'compare' feature, for example. It feels like there's a lot of wasted space.

I understand the idea of not wanting the modal to take up the entire screen, but especially for graph/compare, I think it should probably be bigger than this. Maybe also for rankings and About.

Screenshot from 2024-05-03 14-13-52