ITPNYU / mc-reservation-tool

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Bug: data validation on Attendance field in the request form should check for >= 1. #229

Open nopivnick opened 2 weeks ago

Kaibanda commented 2 weeks ago

I have issued a pull request to my branch named "Kai". Let me know if this can be merged with the main branch. Thanks.

nopivnick commented 2 weeks ago

@Kaibanda see this comment.

lucia-gomez commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, absolutely nothing related to the UI refactor should be merged to main. You can develop on your personal dev branch and then submit a PR to merge that to the refactorUi branch

Kaibanda commented 2 weeks ago

I will ask about merging with the refator Ui branch instead of the main branch. Thank you. Should I redo my pull request to my personal dev branch?