Group 5's work on the "Analysis, Design and Software Architecture (Autumn 2023)" course at the IT University of Copenhagen.
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Report: User activities #205

Open Philipnah opened 9 months ago

Philipnah commented 9 months ago

The description:

Illustrate typical scenarios of a user journey through your Chirp! application. That is, start illustrating the first page that is presented to a non-authorized user, illustrate what a non-authorized user can do with your Chirp! application, and finally illustrate what a user can do after authentication.

Make sure that the illustrations are in line with the actual behavior of your application."

Acceptance criteria:

Philipnah commented 9 months ago

Potentially more of user posibilities (site map) and not user journeys:


skin rose

title User Activity Diagram \n


repeat :Display unauthenticated public timeline;


'Backward:this is a Backward activity; repeat while (Successful?) is (no) not (yes)

:Display authenticated public timeline;

switch () case ( Stay on public) (A) detach case ( Trending page) (A) detach case ( my timeline) (A) detach case ( about me page) (B) detach case ( Log out) (C) detach endswitch

(A) if (Stayed on public timeline) is (yes) then :Like a cheep;

:Write a cheep;

repeat :Share cheep; Backward:Display user error; repeat while (Valid?) is (no) not (yes)

:Publish cheep;

:Reload page;


else (no) if (chosen page) is (Trending page) then :Display cheeps ordered by likes; :Follow author; else (my timeline) :Display user specific timeline; note right "This page includes one's own cheeps as well as the cheeps of the authors which the user follows" end note :Delete one of users own cheep;



(B) :Display about me page; :Download my data; :Press "Forget me!" button; (C) detach

(C) :Log user out; :Show "Signed out" page;

