ITV / scala-pact

A Scala implementation of CDC using the Pact standard
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Fixes #204: require explicitly enabling ScalaPactPlugin on projects. #210

Closed solarmosaic-kflorence closed 3 years ago

solarmosaic-kflorence commented 3 years ago

Using allRequirements means that the plugin is automatically applied to every project in a multi-project build, which can be problematic for projects which don't need the plugin. Using noTrigger means you must explicitly enable the plugin on each project with .enablePlugins(ScalaPactPlugin).

Note: this should be considered a breaking change, even though it matches the documented use of the plugin, so at the very least it should be released as a minor version update.

jbwheatley commented 3 years ago

204 for visibility

solarmosaic-kflorence commented 3 years ago

Thanks all -- would be great to get a release for this one as well. I would suggest a minor version bump just to respect semantic versioning.