ITVlab / Launch-On-Boot

Launches a TV app when the device boots
MIT License
109 stars 36 forks source link

Missing apps in the list #14

Open Nyconing opened 6 years ago

Nyconing commented 6 years ago

Sideloaded apps is missing in the list. Maybe bugs? Please fix. Thanks a lot.

Fleker commented 6 years ago

Right now it only searches for activities with the LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent.

Nyconing commented 6 years ago

I see.... It will be great if there has a feature to search through all android.intent.action.MAIN.

Im not sure why it was searched only leanback intent, but maybe we can set an option for users to choose whether intent to be searched, and warn users about disclaimer.

justice91423 commented 5 years ago

Yes please. Been pulling my hair out trying to find a way to get it to launch the browser on wake.

taimaiduc commented 3 years ago

Hi 👋 Talent, Can you update allow display all applications? I really want to start my camera streaming application when my android box is restart.

Thank you so much.

Or can you show me which part of code I can make a PR 🙏🙏🙏

Fleker commented 3 years ago

i haven't worked on this project in years. There's probably a dozen different tooling updates that'll need to be made. But the method to get all applications is getLauncherApps.

MuhannadYT commented 3 years ago

Please fix this