ITVlab / Launch-On-Boot

Launches a TV app when the device boots
MIT License
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Requirements for Launch when device wakes up #19

Closed hoasis2 closed 4 years ago

hoasis2 commented 4 years ago

What are the requirements for launch on wake up to work?

Unfortunately there is hardly any documentation about it. You can't even see "Launch when device wakes up" option on the screenshots.

I've testet 1.1.3 from F-Droid on ATV 7.0. Launch on boot works fine, but on wake up does not work at all.

Fleker commented 4 years ago

The app receives an event when a screensaver exits or the device just booted.

hoasis2 commented 4 years ago

So if I understood it correctly, the screensaver must be running on the TV just when I put it into standby mode, isn't it?

Fleker commented 4 years ago

If there's no screensaver, there is no way for the app to know when the device has woken up.

hoasis2 commented 4 years ago

Thank you! :)