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Authority::Locale raised as error by xsd validation #89

Closed laurentg closed 1 year ago

laurentg commented 1 year ago

I'm getting the following XSD validation error for the file below, which at first sight seems correct to me and to my understanding of the XSD:

Element 'Locale': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( PrivateContactDetails, OrganisationType, typesOfOrganisation, Status, ValidityPeriod, parts, ownResponsibilitySets, delegatedResponsibilitySets, delegatedFrom, relatedOrganisations ).

The faulty part is (extract of the relevant section):

                <ResourceFrame version="any" id="FOO:ResourceFrame:0">
                        <Authority version="any" id="FOO:Authority:1">
                            <Name lang="fr">FOO</Name>

Reading the Netex 1.2.2 generated Java binding classes, the "rest" field of the "Organisation_VersionStructure" can refer to "Locale" in it's list. The XML above is generated using the binding classes + JAXB.

Is it a faulty interpretation of the specs? Or a bug in the validator?

Note 1: I'm using a 1.2.2 version to generate the XML, however the XSD part of the relevant section from my validator is exactly the same as the one I'm using to generate the file.

Note 2: The validation error is raised by both the latest docker image and the online validator.

lekotros commented 1 year ago

From what I have gathered reading, the order is important (given <xsd:sequence>), the elements must appear in the same order as in the definition i.e. swapping the place of <ContactDetails> and <Locale> should fix the issue.

Working example

<ResourceFrame version="any" id="FOO:ResourceFrame:0">
    <Authority version="any" id="FOO:Authority:1">
      <Name lang="fr">FOO</Name>
laurentg commented 1 year ago

Indeed, that solved the issue. The generated java binding classes does not enforce the fact that the order matters.